February 9th Worship

Morning Service

Sunday at 10:15 AM

Winchester Thurston School
5059 Ellsworth Ave, Pittsburgh

Join us live on Sunday Morning

Childrens Church


Catch a ride: Sunday Morning Shuttle Service

Evening Service

Sunday at 5:30 PM

CRPC Greenfield Chapel
3929 Coleman St., Pittsburgh

Children & Youth Mission

Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in partnership with parents, we will faithfully teach the gospel and demonstrate the love of Christ to all children so that they will become disciples of Christ who trust, serve, worship, and obey Him now and into eternity to the glory of God the Father.

The safety of your children is a priority to us.  All children are checked in at the beginning and end of Christian education classes through an online check-in system and nursery aged children and parents receive corresponding identification labels to ensure their safety. Additionally, we require all of our volunteers to go through Pennsylvania’s mandatory background checks, additional training, and Session approval.

Sunday School

We offer youth classes for middle school (6th-8th grade) and high school (9th-12th grade) during the Sunday School hour from September-April. Classes include lessons and discussion on biblical books, theology or themes relevant to youth.

Youth Group

Our youth group seeks to foster unity with Christ while helping our teens to understand their place in the greater body of the church through inter-generational mentorship, service, fellowship, and studying God’s Word.