Day 81 (Psalms 138-139)

hands, praying, worship

Holy Trinity, who is undivided and infinitely one, let us celebrate our union with you and with your Church, that we might encourage one another to live as though we have eternal life, as we reflect your image through our unity. 

Eternal God, we confess that we do not live as though we believe in eternal life. You are infinitely united as one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and are preparing a place in heaven for us to be completely united together as your people, but we often want your presence without the unity it brings. Give us the joy of connectedness and the excitement to pursue unity on earth. As we wait for heaven, pour out your blessings so that they cover all of our relationships. 

MEDITATION | John 17:22-23 [ESV]
The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

SING Psalm 133 | How Good It Is [recording] [lead sheet]

How good it is when we dwell within your will 
When unity for all your people you restore
We live as though we have life forevermore
When we share in the peace you pour from Zion’s hill
When we share in the peace you pour from Zion’s hill

Oh, how good it is
Oh, how good it is
Oh, how good it is
When we dwell within you will 

First Reading: Psalm 138
Second Reading: Psalm 139

Psalms 138 through 145 represent the final psalms in the psalter written by David.  While both Psalms 138 and 139 are remembered and recited in their own rite, they take on a more robust meaning when read in tandem.  The former serves as a clear song of thanksgiving, while the latter is a hymn that invites God to have an intimate knowledge of our inner selves.  In our quest to give thanks to God, we invite him to search our hearts and to expel the grievous ways that hinder us from Him (139:24).  And conversely, in our quest to know the Lord and make sense of His ways, we give praise knowing that He is the one on High and would regard the lowly (138:6).

While many have historically had trouble wrestling with the idea of the sovereignty of God, both Psalms 138 and 139 help us put this doctrine in perspective.  Even the sheer volume of God’s thoughts are innumerable and overwhelming (139:17-18).  On top of that, the mystery of God’s will makes it such that we could never fully comprehend it either (139:6).  But what we are made known is that God knows us deeply and intimately, from even before our birth (139:13) to our every thoughts and actions (139:2-4).  This very same God that “hems us in” and “lays [His] hand upon us” is the one who is steadfast and faithful (138:2).  God is eager to preserve us, deliver us, and fulfill His purpose for us (cf. 138:7-8).  How has God invited you to know the goodness of His character and to give thanks for Him?  How can you invite God to know you deeply and intimately?
– Nameun Cho


Consider ways that you can let the Psalm form your imagination, that you might share it with others. Perhaps you can journal about it, write poetry or prose, learn a song, create visual art, or reexpress it in ways that speak to your context. If you are planning to fellowship with other people this weekend, consider how you might share these imaginations with your community. 

SING: Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father
And to the Son and to the Holy Ghost
As it was in the beginning
Is now and ever shall be world without end
Amen Amen



  • Think of one person from church today that you can intentionally encourage. Perhaps you can call them, send a quick note, or help them with a need today. Perhaps you simply need to pray for a forgiving heart towards a brother or sister. 

Our Father in heaven, 
    Jesus who redeems us,
    Spirit who is with us, 
    may we live in your kingdom now,
    unified by your love.

Give us the encouragement we need,
     to celebrate with confidence the blessings of heaven,
     even as we still suffer by the hands of others. 

Save us from bitterness and strife,
    remove the presence of evil,
    for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, 