Day #19:  Exodus 4-6.  “A Slow Start”

silhouette close-up photo of wheat field

Our first glimpses of Moses as the mighty servant of God don’t exactly inspire confidence.  He is reluctant to accept the mission, complaining that he isn’t a very good speaker.  (As if, his eloquence was going to be the deciding factor in this confrontation.)  Then on the way back to Egypt he is nearly killed by the angel of the LORD for having neglected to circumcise his son. (This is admittedly a strange part of the story.)  And then, the first confrontation with Pharaoh ends not with progress – but with things getting worse.  Now they have to make bricks without straw and still keep up the production levels.  The people of Israel are now mad at Moses for deepening their problems.  But God is not discouraged in the least.  He is the Sovereign LORD of the universe and will accomplish his purposes in spite of the weakness of his servants and the might of the opposition. 
Reflect:  When the problems in our life loom large, we are reminded that God is always bigger and more capable than any opposition. 
Connect:  Paul assures Christians that God is able to work all things for our good.  That does not mean that all events are good – many are painful or even heartbreaking.  But it means that God’s almighty power is able to direct all events for his purposes, which is for the ultimate good of his people. 
Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.  For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.