Day #17:  Genesis 48-50.  “Final Blessings”

silhouette close-up photo of wheat field

The final two chapters set the stage for the sequel book of “Exodus.”  First, as we read Jacob’s final blessings we begin to see the twelve sons as the twelve tribes.  This is how we will meet them in the book of Exodus.  (Note that there are technically 13 tribes at this point, since Joseph has two sons that are included with their uncles.  But the tribe of Levi becomes the tribe of priests who do not possess their own land, but become associated with temple worship.)  Second, Joseph’s final words anticipate a future deliverance from God which he calls a “visitation” (Gen 50:24-26).  He foresees a day in which God will need to personally show up and act for the salvation of his people.  And though this day was far off for Joseph, he lived with hope in that future deliverance.  This sets the stage for the second book of the Bible, Exodus which is, essentially, about a “visitation” from God.

Reflect:  The completion of God’s work of salvation often feels a long way off, but hope in future deliverance is the fuel for the Christian life.  Let’s pray that God will continue to use this study of “redemptive history” to stir our imaginations and fuel our hope. 

Connect:  The author of Hebrews finds Joseph’s display of faith to be particularly encouraging. 

Hebrews 11:1-2, 22
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  For by it the people of old received their commendation… By faith Joseph, at the end of his life, made mention of the exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones.